Kitchen Concerts Are A Hit!

Hey, everybody, Mike and I are working from home, and have been for a couple of weeks now. I have used the time I used to spend commuting to my office in Times Square to record a song every day and post it to my social media. I am calling them Kitchen Concerts. I get up every morning and sing a song. It is a sort of a creative meditation for me, and a chance to reach out from our quarantined isolation.

My YouTube Playlist Kitchen Concerts

My Instagram @JohnBurnsLIve


We got a great mention in the Gensler blog article, which discusses how brands are taking their message virtual during the Corona Virus Crisis:

Digital and Virtual Connections Have Quickly Become a Brand’s Livelihood

MAC Nomination Male Comedy Performance

Photo: Helane Blumfield

It has been a great year of performing my show John Burns Is A Sexy Beast and for icing on the cake, I have been nominated for a MAC Award. What a dream come true. I couldn’t have done it alone. This year I have had the pleasure of meeting and working with Lennie Watts and Michael Holland. Michael and I put this show together in the spring and we performed it during World Pride at the Duplex Cabaret – next door to the Stonewall Inn where the movement began back in 1969.

The show was a lot of songs mainly, but not only from the 70’s. We were also fortunate enough to debut the original song Kind Of Gay which my dear friends David Dreyfus and Jeff Hardy wrote for me. Guess what . . . they got a nomination as well.

Wish us all luck on Monday, March 30th when the awards will be handed out.